Movements Instructors

Deborah Rose Longo has been an instructor of the Gurdjieff Movements for over 40 years, working with groups in the United States, Germany, Australia, England, Chile, Canada, Italy, Greece, India, Russia, Ukraine, South Korea, Egypt and Taiwan. She began her training in the Gurdjieff Work and the Sacred Dances under the direction of Pierre and Vivien Elliott, (students of Gurdjieff), in 1975 at the Claymont Society for Continuous Education in Charles Town, West Virginia (founded by John Bennett), and has continued to be a long time Claymont community member. Deborah’s approach to teaching the Gurdjieff Movements, emphasizes the importance of balancing the Three Lines of Work (Work on oneself, Work with the group and Work for the Greater Good), not only in the movements class, but also in life. Deborah Rose is an artist specializing in mandala making, and conducts mandala-making classes as a tool for helping participants connect positively with creative energy flow. For the past 20 years, she has also enjoyed the challenges of substitute teaching in the public school system as an opportunity to positively influence the lives of many young souls.

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Melanie Monsour has been a pianist for Sacred Movements events around the world and has performed the music of Gurdjieff/DeHartmann in the U.S., Europe, Australia, Chile, India, Russia, Canada and Asia for 25 years. She has recorded several CDs, a Gurdjieff/de Hartmann compilation, a set of pieces based on the Enneagram and the rest are her original compositions. Melanie’s considerable gift as a pianist is an expression of a light-hearted and deeply meditative presence that is a strong source of support and inspiration for the Work.

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Senior Movements teacher Deborah Rose Longo, and several different experienced Movements teachers (Amy Silver, Anya Jones, Belinda Lang, Dawn Kilarski, Melody Newcomb, and/or Heather Ruce) who are members of the organizing group, will be facilitating the Movements sessions during the Retreat.