Corfu Buddha Hall

DATES: June 21st-30th, 2025, Corfu Buddha Hall Greece

Register Now

ARRIVAL: We will meet at 18:00 on Saturday, June 21st for dinner and an opening circle.

Book your flights to arrive by June 21st before 16:00

DEPARTURE: We will have a brunch on Tuesday, June 30th, 2025 and you may want to head home after that (Of course you may decide to come earlier or extend your stay!)

BOOKING: Please submit your registration before May 15th, 2025


Seminar Fee: $600 (*$200 USD or 150 Euro Deposit Required once Registered, the remainder is to be paid in cash in US Dollars on arrival) 

(Deposit is non-refundable after May 15th, 2025, except in event of personal or global emergencies.)


Venue Fee: 540 EURO *this includes breakfast, lunch and dinner while you are there, full access to the beautiful grounds, Wifi Internet Connectivity and is to be paid to Buddha Hall in Euros upon arrival 

Payment Methods Available: Check or Money Order made out to ‘Movements Retreat’ and mailed to Amy Silver or or PayPal*If using PayPal an addition you will have an additional $25 fee (see details in contact & payments)

*Returning participants pay deposit upon filling out registration form, new participants pay deposit when registration is confirmed.


Airfare (not included)

Accommodations (not included)

(see details in accommodation)


We ask that first-time applicants submit an application essay. Admission is pending until notified of acceptance.
Please see section “new participants – participation guidelines.” Please do not make travel arrangements until your acceptance has been confirmed.


Movements instruction and Sharing-Circle will be conducted in English.

Translation may be offered on a strictly voluntary basis.

Enrollment is limited so early registration is advised.